Matthew Crighton
Principal Consultant
Based in Nairobi
Matthew is an economist with expertise in urban and regional economic development. He was the Deputy Team Leader for the Cities and Infrastructure for Growth (CIG) Myanmar programme.
Matthew is based in the UK having returned from Yangon, where he worked as Deputy Team Leader for the Cities and Infrastructure for Growth (CIG) Myanmar programme. He has over eight years of consulting experience working for clients in the UK and internationally, including the World Bank, DFID, FCO, the European Commission, and the governments of Ghana, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone, as well as local and regional governments in the UK. Matthew is experienced in a range of data analysis techniques and software, including econometric analysis, economic and financial appraisal, and GIS analysis. He is certified as a PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner.He has produced analysis to inform strategic economic planning at the city level in Rwanda, at the sub-national level in northern Ethiopia, North and South West Nigeria, and at the national level in Sierra Leone, Ghana and Nigeria. He recently completed the AfDB funded Regional Infrastructure Master Plan for the IGAD region.
Matthew has provided capacity building and technical assistance to the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing in Ethiopia, supporting the development of the Growth and Transformation Plan Phase II programme. He also produces research to shape policy and programming, most recently on complex land markets in Uganda and Somaliland for the East Africa Research Fund, and previously for DFID’s Urbanisation Research Nigeria programme, and for the World Bank Nigeria and Rwanda Urbanization Reviews.
Country Experience
- Africa
- Djibouti, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
- Asia
- Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar