We advise donors and their implementing partners on how to embed gender equality and social inclusion into the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes.
Gender equality is achieved when women and men, girls and boys, have equal rights, conditions, opportunities and power to shape their own lives and affect society. It is a fundamental human right, and a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Without it societies are less stable, economies are weaker and development is unsustainable.
Triple Line advises donors and implementing organisations on how to embed gender equality and social inclusion into the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes. We work across multiple sectors including energy, urban, youth employment, health, education, higher education, digital technology, refugees and migration, humanitarian response, water and sanitation, environment and climate change, conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
Our technical inputs include:
- policy analysis on mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion
- operational research (context and situation analysis to make inequalities visible)
- staff and financial capacity needs assessments for mainstreaming
- organisational change management approaches
- bespoke capacity strengthening, coaching and mentoring
- advice on inclusive and participatory consultation, decision-making and monitoring processes
- applying our knowledge of ‘what works’ and related programming (including gender-based violence and safeguarding)
- Our commitment to equality and inclusion is also reflected in how we carry out our work. Our advice and technical input always consider the needs and voices of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, so that no one is left behind by development and humanitarian interventions.