Cities and infrastructure
Helping cities and countries strengthen economic opportunities, reduce poverty, and build resilience
Triple Line has a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach and draw on our experience in Africa, Asia, the United Kingdom, as well as the rest of the world. We combine global best practice with extensive local and regional knowledge and expertise.
Helping cities and countries strengthen economic opportunities, reduce poverty, and build resilience
Addressing some of the greatest development challenges related to our changing environment, climate change and forests
Ensuring projects and programmes take into account the needs and concerns of marginalised and vulnerable men, women, girls and boys for equitable and sustainable impact and rights
Building vibrant, competitive markets, with dynamic private companies to create jobs and prosperity for all on a sustained basis
Promoting export led growth through trade facilitation, industrial promotion, and value chain development
Providing timely evidence to help projects and programmes understand their impact and make good decisions that strengthen results and delivery
Supporting development partners by managing portfolios of high quality, innovative and transparent projects implemented by civil society and the private sector