Nikos Papachristodoulou
Based in Athens
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Nikos has expertise in urban and regional economic development, infrastructure, disaster and climate resilience, and inclusive growth. He oversees and manages projects for Triple Line's cities and infrastructure portfolio.
Nikos is an urban specialist, with principal areas of expertise in urban and regional economic development, infrastructure, disaster and climate resilience, and inclusive growth. Over the past 12 years he has worked for a range of clients including the World Bank, FCDO, EU, USAID, Cities Alliance, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), and local authorities.
Nikos's work has incorporated the full spectrum of the project cycle, from analytics and programme scoping and design, through implementation, and evaluation and learning.
He has a high level of familiarity with HMG business cases and ODA eligibility criteria having led and supported the development of FCDO's urbanisation strategy and options for future investments in Somalia's cities, Prosperity Fund Global Future Cities Programme (GFCP) scoping in Nigeria, and the development of the business case for an urban resilience programme in Tanzania.
Nikos also brings excellent understanding of World Bank latest trends and procedures as a result of his involvement in a number of analytics and technical assistance projects, including on informal settlements upgrading in Mogadishu, climate change adaptation planning in Latin American and Caribbean cities, assessment of the climate resilience of Dar es Salaam's transport infrastructure, spatial development in Nigeria, and preparation of a handbook on integrated urban flood risk management.
Nikos holds a BSc in Economics from the University of Piraeus and an MSc in Social Development Practice from the Development Planning Unit at University College London (UCL).
Country Experience
- Africa
- Mozambique, Egypt, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Somalia, Zambia
- Asia
- Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, South Korea
- Europe
- United Kingdom, Belgium, Greece
- Americas
- Brazil, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Saint Lucia, USA