Nora Loncsar
Principal Consultant
Based in London
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Nora is an experienced monitoring, evaluation and learning specialist. She provides expertise in adaptive programming, governance and fragile and conflict affected states across Triple Line's monitoring, evaluation and learning portfolio.
Nora is an experienced monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) specialist with a particular interest in developing utilisation-focused MEL systems and processes that can effectively support strategic and programmatic decision making.
Over the past 10 years, Nora has built her expertise in adaptive programming, governance, and fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS). Her most recent experience in these areas include serving as Technical Expert on MEL for Adaptive Programming on the Evaluation of the Institutions for Inclusive Development (I4ID) Programme in Tanzania; Learning and Governance Advisor on the Monitoring and Learning Agent for the International Action Against Corruption (I-ACT); and Advisor on Post-Conflict Transition in the North East and Inclusive Governance Interventions at the Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) – Learning, Evidencing and Advocacy Partnership (LEAP) in Nigeria.
Nora has strong experience with innovative monitoring and evaluation technics suitable for development programmes operating in complex delivery contexts, such as the Most Significant Change, Outcome Mapping, Outcome Harvesting and Strategy Testing methods. She is also an experienced project manager and familiar with all aspects of technical and operational management of donor-funded projects.
Before joining Triple Line, Nora worked with the Governance and Public Sector Reform team of ICF, the Crisis Response Division of the European External Action Service, and the Africa Team of Search for Common Ground, among others.
Nora holds a Master’s degree in International Peace and Conflict Resolution from American University, Washington, DC, where she specialised in development in fragile and conflict affected states.
Country Experience
- Africa
- Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana (home-based), Liberia (home-based), Sahel (home-based), Tanzania (home-based), Zimbabwe (home-based), Angola (home-based)
- Asia
- Myanmar (home-based)
- Americas
- Belize, Guyana, USA