Synthesis report of the Joint Work Programme for Equitable Economic Growth in Cities

Since 2016, Cities Alliance's Joint Work Programme for Equitable Economic Growth in Cities (JWP-EEG) has investigated the links between the provision of public goods and services, and equitable economic growth in secondary cities in the Global South.

The JWP-EEG programme worked with local governments, city stakeholders and development partners to produce global knowledge, facilitate policy dialogues, support city-level diagnostics, and help frame policy recommendations to respond to the challenges of inequitable economic growth in cities.

A Triple Line team led by urban specialist Nikos Papachristodoulou brought together the knowledge gained and lessons learnt from the four years of the programme in this synthesis report. The report concludes that measures to improve equitable access to public goods and services can and do have a direct and positive impact on equitable economic growth. Moreover, the programme has helped to identify the levers that need to be pulled in order to promote equitable economic growth.