Transforming communities in Northern Malawi: Case study of AgDevCo’s transformational impact through its investment in Tropha


This study, prepared by Triple Line as part of a wider study of the transformational impact of AgDevCo’s portfolio, explores how Tropha is beginning to catalyse growth through crowding-in and stimulating economic activity in rural communities.

Tropha is a commercial macadamia, chilli and paprika farmer in Northern Malawi. As a result of its activities, Tropha is creating jobs in a region where formal employment levels are low, and is providing a stable off-take market for thousands of smallholder farmers.

Our study used a network analysis approach to understand the ways in which each investment is connected to different actors, from their employees to suppliers and buyers. Quantitative and qualitative data was used to construct simple maps of the pre- and post-investment networks, which allowed us to build a visual picture of how the AgDevCo investment has had an impact, and how this has changed over time.