Insight / Case Studies
The latest Case Studies from the Triple Line team in Africa
Taking an adaptive approach to developing first-of-a-kind industrial clusters to support Rwanda’s path to middle-income status
A corridor approach to accelerate the shift towards a climate-resilient green economy for Ethiopia
Promoting evidence-based programming to help reduce forest loss in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Helping the FCO understand and communicate the results achieved by the UK Commonwealth 18-20 Fund
Providing diverse monitoring and evaluation services to support development effectiveness at the ADB
Piloting a market systems approach to urban job creation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Working with civil society around the globe to address local development challenges and help reduce poverty and disadvantage
Taking a long-term approach to the challenge of evaluating multi-dimensional complexity
Rigour and flexibility underpin results monitoring from project to portfolio level of MasterCard Foundation’s private sector challenge fund
Adaptive impact measurement and learning for CDC Plus businesses as they navigate the Covid-19 crisis
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