Insight / Case Studies
The latest Case Studies from the Triple Line team in Asia

Mapping and monitoring peatlands in South East Asia from space to help reduce forest fires and CO2 emissions

Making gender equality a reality across Sida’s programmes: from energy, environment and climate change, to SMEs and tackling antibiotic resistance

Supporting affordable housing in Cebu City

Mobile technology for development: understanding how change happens and measuring results

Developing approaches and tools to secure results for gender equality and women’s empowerment in entrepreneurship challenge funds

Bringing forest-dependent communities to the table at regional, national and landscape levels

Working with Quezon City on its mission to deliver on the Paris Agreement at the local level

Working with the private sector to increase opportunities and employment for young people, with a primary focus on young women

Building institutional capacity and tools for inclusive redevelopment of Mongolia’s urban tent communities

Helping the FCO understand and communicate the results achieved by the UK Commonwealth 18-20 Fund